Why should DCAP and DuC be avoided?

DAr2C et DArOD - Darspec
When distributing domestic water, safety and quality are major concerns for consumers and businesses. To address these challenges, backflow preventers such as the Dual Check valve backflow preventer with Atmospheric Port (DCAP) and the Dual Check valve backflow preventer (DuC) have been developed to prevent water contamination risks. However, despite their apparent advantages, questions remain about their reliability.

First, it is important to distinguish between low, moderate and high risks. Low risks include connections that could result in a change in the appearance or taste of water which could potentially pose a health hazard if no protection is installed. Then, moderate risks carry the potential harm to health hazard in certain circumstances. Finally, high risks pose a serious health hazard that can lead to death.

Taking a closer look at features of DCAP and DuC devices, it is clear that they have significant shortcomings. Indeed, in the case of a valve failure, it is not possible to detect the problems, which seriously compromises their reliability. In this situation where both valves are blocked by debris or are defective, the valves may remain in the open position. If this happens, there is a risk of contaminating the domestic water system.

On the other hand, human error and poor installation practices can compromise the effectiveness of these devices, thereby increasing the risks of contamination. For example, it is possible for chemicals to be used or that a flexible fitting is connected to a tub containing detergents, resulting in a transition from low or moderate to high risk. The more people there are in a building, the more likely it is that a human error like this could occur.

DArOD - Darspec
DAr2C - Darspec
Figure 1 - DArOD                                                                                                      Figure 2 - DAr2C

Another example is that companies, especially in the food industry, which not only risk compromising the health of their employees, but also that of their customers. This could seriously damage their reputation. In a world where news travels quickly, even the slightest negligence can lead to disastrous consequences.

In conclusion, reputation and health should not be compromised in the name of economy or convenience. Priority should be given to the use of reliable and verifiable backflow prevention devices to ensure the safety and quality of drinking water, whether in residences or in commercial, industrial or institutional environments. Opting for robust solutions represents not only a commitment to public health, but also a sign of trust and credibility for all parties involved.


1. Groupe CSA. (2024). Sélection et installations des dispositifs antirefoulement/Entretien et mise à l'essai à pied d'oeuvre des dispositifs antirefoulement (CSA B64.10:23/CSA B64.10.1 :23).

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